FENCON is this weekend!!! http://www.fencon.org/ I’ll be sharing (and moderating a few) panels with some of the best creatives, writers, philosophers, and just plain awesome folks you can find in one weekend. So excited to take the stage and explore so many awesome topics. To help me put out guests through their paces, feel free to DM me with any questions you’d like us to explore. Here’s my schedule for the weekend! I hope to see a lot of familiar faces and meet a lot of new ones.
* = Moderator
*** Friday 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Grand 4A The CyberFuture Now (M) Description: The future is now. Discussion on things that are not so distant in the future but may be here now and we just didn’t know it.
Panelists: Paul Black Mel. White Stephen Patrick *
*** Friday 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM Grand 4C The First-Ever Liar’s Panel (M) Description: We lied. Or did we? There will also be cake and gold for 2019 or maybe 2020.
Panelists: R. Cat Conrad Mark Finn Alan J. Porter Stephen Patrick *
*** Saturday 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Grand 4A Marvel, Marvel, Marvel Description: What has Marvel done right that DC hasn’t?
Panelists: Mark Finn Julie Frost Stephen Patrick R. Cat Conrad *
*** Saturday 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Grand 4B What Scares You? (M) Description: What used to be scary seems laughable now, but what has replaced it? Special effects can now make the most horrific scenes feel real, but do filmmakers remember how to build suspense without such realism?
Panelists: Peri Charlifu Rie Sheridan Rose Brad Sinor Stephen Patrick *
*** Saturday 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Grand 4B Science Fiction That Changed the Game (M) Description: From Star Trek to 2001: A Space Odyssey to The Matrix to Arrival, we’ll talk about the way science fiction is portrayed in TV and film has evolved.
Panelists: C. Stuart Hardwick D.L. Young Stephen Patrick *
*** Saturday 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Grand 4B Truth IS Stranger than Fiction (M) Description: Using real life experience in writing, art, and music
Panelists: R. Cat Conrad Dominick D’Aunno Carolyn Kay Stephen Patrick *
*** Sunday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Grand 4B Inclusion in Fandom (M) Description: The changing faces of and issues of Fandom such as Other Voices, Accessibility, Codes of Conduct, and much more
Panelists: Kimm Antell Chaz Kemp Stephen Patrick *