Today is Hobbit Day, the annual day to celebrate the marvel and majesty of Middle-Earth. Whether you came to his work through print, screen, games, film or just meme’s, today’s the perfect day to turn our thoughts back to the Shire and the journey that J. R. R. Tolkien set out for us.

Today’s question: What do you think of J. R. R. Tolkien and what he built for us?

After you read ours, drop your thoughts and reflections in the comments. and yes, meme’s count.

STEPHEN PATRICK- Like Bilbo and Frodo, we all took that first leap of faith to leave our comforts to follow a powerful magician on an incredible adventure that dramatically changed our lives. JRRT works on so many levels, he created complete stories within a larger universe ripe for deeper exploration. It’s worth the trip, but so much fun to stop and look around along the way.

DAVID RIKE – We’re not supposed to covet, but my gosh wouldn’t it be nice to define an entire genre all by yourself?  But then, what did he do?  He mined European folklore (basically the greatest hits in storytelling over the centuries) and then fashioned an earth that a lot of us would rather live in than the modern, real thing.