The Holocaust Engine by David Rike and Stephen Patrick

Month: February 2025

One Month until Unda Sanguis! Book 3 of The Holocaust Engine

The countdown has begun! Book 3 of The Holocaust Engine is coming on March 25 and is now available for pre-order from Evolved Publishing. Everything has been leading to this moment as our survivors make a last desperate attempt to fight what has been plaguing them on the island. Will they fight? Will they flee? Will they fail?

Unda Sanguis: The Flood

Chaos descends inside the quarantine zone as a hurricane threatens to finish what the disease started.

Scroll down to the MORE INFORMATION section for multiple purchasing options.

With an army of infected pouring across Key West, the last bands of survivors are caught between fighting monsters, each other, and a hurricane that is churning toward the island. The cordon around the island fails, leaving everyone to choose between fight, flight, flood, and faith.

Those who stay will face the disease and the demonic force it has released. With saltwater and blood soaking the island, these strike teams make their last-ditch effort to challenge this threat to humanity… and drown it.

David Rike and I are so excited to announce this final chapter in our series. If you’re not caught up, the Holocaust Engine (Book 1) and Fluid Shock (Book 2) are both still available. If you prefer audiobooks, The Holocaust Engine is available in audio, featuring the vocal talents of Storm Browne is available, with Fluid Shock coming soon.

***RELEASE DATE: 24 March 2025***

Available at:

FENCON XX is in the books

David Rike and I had a wonderful time at FENCON this past weekend. The Spy Vs Spy theme was evident throughout, but we covered a lot of ground, from Bond to Superman, Evil Overlords to Lairs, Superman/Lois to Tired tropes.

We had a blast at the 2nd MonsterVMonster Cage Match, where a bloody and BBQ-sauced battlefield at Dollywood saw Team Mecha-Depp use their mechanized Jack Sparrow to win the day over the mysterious cat-raised monster that could not quite be explained. If that sounds weird, I’m sorry, but that’s the best way I can explain it. If you want to learn more about it, you’ll have to join us next time.

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FenCon Convention Day 3. Panel on “Sci-fi and Fantasy Tropes We Love to Hate” with David Rike, Michael Nelson , Declan Finn and moderated by Mel White .

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FenCon Convention Day Three.. Panel on “Superman: Man of Steel, Woman of ……” with Joe Giacoio and R Cat Conrad. Great exploration of Clark, Kal-el and Lois as characters, a couple, plot drivers, and models for different types of relationships.

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FenCon Convention .. James Bond Deathmatch with David Rike , DL Young , Howard Carter and Bill Frank.

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Day One at FenCon Convention. Great discussion with David Rike and Joe Giacoio on low budget science fiction and a deeeeeep dive on Sharknado and the future of science fiction in film.

FENCON XX is this weekend in Dallas!

This weekend, David Rike and Stephen Patrick will join an amazing array of artists, creators, fans, musicians, and overall awesome people for the 20th anniversary of FENCON. Fans of Eric Flint’s 1632 universe will also be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the 1632 universe.

We’ll be sharing stories and content on Facebook, but feel to reach out to us online or in person. We’re not doing a signing or a reading, but we’ll have copies of The Holocaust Engine and Fluid Shock with us.

If you’re at FENCON, here’s where you can find us on panels (David is crashing the MonsterVmonster Cage Match, but don’t tell anyone)

Panels with Stephen Patrick :

Alien Archaeology
Friday  5:00 PM  Oak  
Son of Sharknado Returns!
Friday  6:00 PM  Ebony  
So You Want to be an Evil Overlord
Saturday  1:00 PM  Ebony  
It’s time for a Makeover – Remake This
Sunday  10:00 AM  Oak  
Man of Steel, Woman of…..
Sunday  11:00 AM  Ebony  
Monster Cage Match
Sunday  2:00 PM  Teak  
Location, Location, Location: or, How to Design and Build Your Secret Lair
Sunday  3:00 PM  Teak  

Panels with David Rike :

Alt.History: Building a Foundation
Friday  3:00 PM  Ebony  
Son of Sharknado Returns!
Friday  6:00 PM  Ebony  
Ethics for the Artificial
Saturday  10:00 AM  Teak  
Crimes Against Science
Saturday  1:00 PM  Teak  
James Bond Deathmatch
Saturday  7:00 PM  Teak  
Sci-fi and Fantasy Tropes We Love to Hate
Sunday  12:00 PM  Cypress  
